In The
War With Mexico
Scott, Thomas -- Pvt/Co. G, 3rd Inf. Rendevous 9/20/47 at Millersburgh. Age 18. Died 2/14/48 at City of Mexico.
Scott, William B. -- Pvt/Co. H, 4th Inf. Enlisted 10/2/47 at Harrison. Age 23. Discharged 8/1/48 at Memphis.
Scrivner, Thomas J. -- Pvt/Co. F, 1st Inf. Rendevous 6/1/46 at Hartsville. Discharged 9/7/46 at Camargo on Surg. Cert.
Soull, Daniel L. -- Pvt/Co. G, 1st Mtd Inf. Enlisted 6/15/46 at Memphis. Discharged 5/31/47 at New Orleans.
Scudder, James L. -- 1Lt/Co. K, 1st Inf. Enlisted 6/2/46 at Nashville. Discharged 5/23/47 at New Orleans. Wounded severely 9/21/46 at Monterey. Lost right eye.
Seaborn, Joseph L. -- Pvt/Co. I, 5th Inf. Enlisted 1/14/48 at Cleveland. Age 18. Discharged 7/20/48 at Memphis.
Seabourn, Lafayette -- Pvt/Co. H, 4th Inf. Enlisted 10/2/47 atHarrison. Age 19. Discharged 8/1/48 at Memphis.
Seals, William -- Pvt/Co. F, 1st Mtd Inf. Enlisted 6/10/46 at Knoxville. Age 29. Discharged 5/31/47 at New Orleans.
Seaman, Jonas -- 2Lt/Co. A, 1st Mtd Inf. Rendevous 6/6/46 at Hickory. With. Discharged 5/31/47 at New Orleans.
Seawell, Thomas B. -- Pvt/Co. F, 1st Inf. Rendevous 6/1/46 at Hartsville. Died 9/22/46 at Camargo.
Sehorn, H. M. -- Pvt/Co.H, 2nd Inf. Enlisted 6/16/46 at Kelley's Ferry. Discharged 9/21/46 at Camargo on Surg. Cert.
Selvidge, Erby H. -- Pvt/Co. C, 5th Tnf. Enlisted 11/9/47 at Athens. Age 20. Discharged 7/20/48 at Memphis.
Senter, Calvin H. -- Pvt/Co. I, 5th Inf. Enlisted 1/30/48 at Cleveland. Age 26. Discharged 7/20/48 at Memphis.
Senter, James B. -- Pvt/Co. H, 5th Inf. Enlisted 11/6/47 at Athens. Age 19. Discharged 7/20/48 at Memphis.
Senter, Pleasant M. -- 1Lt/Co. A, 5th Inf. Enlisted 11/15/47 at Knoxville. Age 34. Discharged 7/20/48 at Memphis.
Sentlinger, G. F. -- Pvt/Co. E, 1st Inf. Enlisted 5/28/46 at Nashville. Discharged 5/23/47 at Jalapa.
Settle, Seth B. -- Pvt/Co. D, 1st Inf. Rendevous 5/28/46 at McMinnville. Discharged 5/23/47 at New Orleans.
Sevier, A. M. -- Pvt/Wheat's Co., Mtd Inf. Rendevous 2/1/48 at Nashville. Age 20. Discharged 7/25/48 at Memphis.