Worshipfull John Stull's Returns
Conrad, John
Hersman, Andrew
Bower, Morris
Cooper, Isaac
Hersman, Mathias
Brooke, Thomas
Clagett, Bothumas
Hogmire, Conrad
Blume, Henry
Cline, Joseph
Hoover, Christopher
Bower, George
Custore, George
Henry, Nicholas
Baker, Bastin
Creal, William
Heaiskill, Benjamin
Barnhend, George
Darling, Lott
Johnson, Barney
Botts, Andrew
Drake, Joseph
Jacoby, Conrad
Brendlinges, Conrad
Davis, Robert
Kirkpatrick, William
Barns, Uz.
Diuerling, John
Kreuger, Peter
Blacher, Frederick
Earley, Abram
Kelly, William
Baker, William
Fair, Francis
Karshuor, Martin
Bilmore, John
Forgresong, Christian
Kaler, Frederick
Bungarnor, Jacob
Fitch, Joseph
Kaler, Daniel
Bell, Charles
Fage, John
Klosner, George
Boond, John
Frend, "Cacob"
Klapper, Wallingtine
Burges, Francis
Fye, William
Klapper, Harmen
Baur, Michael
Filman, Mathias
Kirkpatrick, Michael
Baker, Peter
Gunity, William
Kirkpatrick, James
Bergd, Peter
Gable, Phillips
Lizer, Mathias
Baum, Bartolome
Gyer, John
Litherman, Michael
Beresford, John
Gyer, Frederick
Lidac, Michael
Besty, Wm.
Gyer, Frederick
Lorry, Henry
Commins, Wm.
Gairing, Christopher
Livingstone, John
Commins, William
Gellespe, David
Louele, Thomas
Claubough, Martin
Gardner, Francis
Messersmith, Wallintine
Duse, Christopher
Gray, Robert
Mock, Peter
Craturn, Robert
Housholler, Jacob
Miller, Ulrick
Commins, John
Hofman, Michael
Miller, Solomon
Conrad, Daniel
Howard, John
Martain, Robert
Conrad, John
Hewett, Christopher
Mengennor, John
Moffet, William
Swank, John
Shailer, Michael
Miller, Frederick
Smith, John
Shailer, Peter
Miller, George
Shilling, Phillip
Shock, Frederick
McCollough, William
Sharer, Peter
Swingley, Leonard
McCoy, Archabald
Sibird, John
Sookey, Martain
Miller, John
Sibird, Peter
Staler, William
Nichols, Isaac
Swingly, George
Space, Daniel
Nageley, Peter
Swingley, Michael
Elie, William
Ox, William
Swingly, George
Walker, John
Paul, William
Syster, Daniel
Winder, James
Pine, Joseph
Syster, Michael
Winder, Jacob
Pence, Jacob
Snider, Henry
Winder, Daniel
Rutter, Edward
Smith, Jacob
Wikel, Henry
Rutter, John
Smith, John
Wollinger, Wollentine
Rutter, Alexander
Smith, David
Winder, Thomas
Rutter, William
Snider, Frederick
Wessa, Jacob
Rutter, Edmond
Swingly, Nicholas
Winder, James
Refneh, Casper
Swearingen, Charles
Shaver, John
Wiles, William
Sharer, George
Star, William
Whitstone, Bolser
Sharer, Isaac
Snider, Martin
Waggoner, Peter
Sharer, Jacob
Strider, Philip
Yost, Henry
Smith, George
Shank, Peter
Gilhart, Christopher
Swank, Jacob
Shank, Peter
Zachariah, Jacob
A true Copy of persons Who have taken the
Oaths of Fidelity before