10th November 1809
On recommendation
That a passport be prepared for John Boling and Azariah Alldred
with their families, to travel through the Creek Nation of
Indianswhich was presented and signed
Monday 27th November 1809
On recommendations
That passports be prepared for the following persons to travel
through the Creek Nations of Indians, to witOne for Isaiah
Parker and a Nathan Parker from the County of Baldwin and one for
a Noel Turner with his family, from Barnwell District in the
State of South Carolinawhich were presented and signed
Saturday 11th November 1809
On recommendation
That a passport be prepared for Hardy Cain to travel through the
Creek Nation of Indianswhich was presented and signed
Wednesday 29th November 1809
On recommendation
That a passport be prepared for John Moore from the County of
Jones, with his family to travel through the Creek Nation of
Indianswhich was presented and signed
Tuesday 14th November 1809
On the recommendation of Zachariah Lamar, Eleazar Early and Geo.
R. Clayton Espuires, it is
That a passport be prepared for John Evans and his family of
Baldwin County to travel through the Creek Nation of
Indianswhich was presented and signed
Thursday 30th November 1809
On application and recommendation
That passports he prepared for the following persons to travel
thro the Creek Nation of Indians, to witone for Joshua
Bryan from the County of Burke and one for Tristom Rouse, a free
man of colour, his freedom and character being vouched for by
Thomas Gaiphin of South Carolinawhich were presented and
Wednesday 13th November 1809
On application
That a passport be prepared for James McPowell and Alexander
Bonner to travel through the Creek Nation of Indianswhich
was presented and signed
Saturday 2nd December 1809
On application
That passports be prepared for the fol-lowing persons to travel
through the Creek Creek Nation of Indians, to witone for
John Powell, with his wife and one child and one for Robert
Merrittwhich were presented and signed
Thursday 16th November 1809
On recommendation
That passports be prepared for the following persons to travel
thro the Nation of Indians, to wit,one for Peter Camel and
his family from Washington County and one for David and William
Irwinwhich were presented and signed
Tuesday 5th December 1809
On application
That passports be prepared for the following persons to travel
through the Creek Nation of Indians, to wit-One for Robert
Robinson and one for Joseph Keenwhich were presented and
Tuesday 21st November 1809
On application
That a passport be prepared for Mr. Richard Kannon of Putnam
County to travel through the Creek Nation of Indianswhich
was presented and signed
Wednesday 6th December 1809
On application
That passports be prepared for the following persons to travel
through the Creek Nations of Indians, to wit, one for Willoughby
Williams, one for Hezekiah Gates Junr. and one for Charles
Gateswhich were presented and signed
Saturday 16th December 1809
On application
That passports be prepared for the following persons to travel
through the Creek Nation of Indians, to witOne for Mr.
Moses Hailford, one for Mr. Jacob Hallford, his wife and child
one for Mr. Henry Anderson, with seven whites and one black
person and one for Mr. Stephen Readwhich were presented and
Saturday 9th December 1809
On application
That passports be prepared for the following persons to travel
thro the Creek Nations of Indians, to witone for John
Gayle, one for Mathew Gayle, one for Nathan Shackleford
one for James Young, and one, for William Pearcewhich were
presented and signed
Monday 18th December 1809
On application
That passports be prepared for the following persons to travel
through the Creek Nation of Indians, to wit-One for Mr. William
Tullos, one for Mr. William Tullos, one for Mr. John Tullos, one
for Mr. Willoughby Tullos with a family of nine white and seven
blacks and one for Mr. Walter Davis and familywhich were
presented and signed
Monday 11th December 1809
On application
That a passport be prepared for John Williams to travel through
the Creek Nation of Indianswhich was presented, examined
and signed
Tuesday 12th December 1809
On application
That a passport be prepared for Hezekiah Luckie Esquire, a
Representative from the County of Oglethorpe in the State
Legislature, to travel through the Creek Nation of
Indianswhich was presented and signed
Tuesday 19th December 1809
On application
That a passport be prepared for Mr. Samuel Wilson, his wife and
three children to travel through the Creek Nation of
Indianswhich were presented and signed
Tuesday 26th December 1809
On application
That a passport be prepared for James Dewitt, his wife three
children and two negroes to travel through the Creek Nation of
Indianswhich was presented and signed
Thursday 14th December 1809
On the recommendation of John Herbert Esquire, of Milledgeville
That a passport be prepared for Mr. George Pope to travel through
the Creek Nation of Indianswhich were presented and signed
Wednesday 20th December 1809
On application
That a passport be prepared for Robert and Clem Freeney to travel
through the Creek Nation of Indianswhich was presented and
Friday 22d December 1809
On application
That a passport be prepared for Jonathan and David Scarboroughs
with their families, to travel through the Creek Nation of
Indianswhich was presented and signed
Friday 15th December 1809
On application
That passports be prepared for the following persons to travel
through the Creek Nation of Indians, to witone for James C.
Smart, with a family of five black, and four white persons, and
one for John Donahoo, with a family of six white and one black
personwhich were presented and signed