Abavia - 2nd great grandmother, female
ascendant in the fourth degree
Abavus - 2nd great grandfather, male ascendant in the fourth degree
Abnepos - 2nd great grandson, male descendant in the fourth degree
Abneptis - 2nd great granddaughter, female descendant in the fourth
Adnepos - 3rd great grandson, male descendant in the fifth degree
Affines - relatives by marriage, in-laws
Affinitas - relationship by marriage
Agnati - paternal relations
Agnatus - related by blood on the male side
Alimenta/o - provision made for made for younger sons or unmarried
Alius/a/ud - other
Alter/era/erum - the other of two
Ambo/ae/o - both
Amita - father's sister, aunt
Amita magna - grandfather's sister, grandaunt
Amita uxoris - wife's father's sister
Anima - soul, spirit
Annus - year
Anno - in the year
Anno Domini - in the year of the Lord
Aprilis - April
Arbor consanguinitatis - family tree
Atavus - 3rd great grandfather, male ascendant in the fifth degree
Augustus - August
Avunculus - mother's brother, uncle
Avus - grandfather
Avi (pl.) - grandparents
Avi relicta - grandfather's widow
Banni - marriage banns
Baptisma - baptism
Baptisavit - he baptized
Baptisatus/a - baptized
Baptisatus/a est - he(or she) was baptized
Caelebs - single, unmarried (man)
Capellanus - chaplain
Cognati - maternal relations
Cognomen - surname
Commater - godmother
Comparere - to appear
Comparuit pro me - he/she appeared before me
Compater - godfather
Conceptus/a/um - conceived
Concepta est - she was pregnant
Coniunx (coniux) - husband or wife
Coniuges (pl.) - married couple
Consanguinitas - blood relationship (if too close, an impediment to
Consobrinus/a - cousin on the mother's side
Contrahere - to contract, to draw together
Coparcener - co-heir
Copulatio - marriage
Copulatus/a - married man/woman
Copulatus/a est - he/she was married
Coram - in the presence of
Corpus - body
Cui impositum est nomen - to whom was given the name
Cum - with
December (X-ber)
Decessit - he/she died
Decessit sine prole - died without issue, childless
Decessit vitae patre (d.v.p.) - died in father's lifetime
Decessus - death
Defunctus/a/um - dead
Denunciatio - publication of the marriage banns
De ritu sanctae matris ecclesiae - according to the rite of the holy
mother church
Desponsus/a - betrothed
Deus - God
Didymus/a - twin male/female
Dies - day
Die - day (a form used after certain prepositions)
Discessit - he/she died
Dominus - lord
Domus - home
Dos - dowry
Ecclesia - church
Ego - I
Eiusdem - the same
Eodem die - on the same day
Erat - he/she/it was
Est - he/she/it is
Et - and
Etiam - also
E, ex - from
Factis tribus denunciationibus - after 3 publications of the banns, 3 banns
having been published
Februarius - February
Feme covert - married woman
Feme sole - unmarried woman
Femina - woman
Filia - daughter
Filia fratris/sororis - niece, daugher of brother/sister
Filius - son
Filius fratris/sororis - nephew, son of brother/sister
Frater - brother
Frater ex materno latere - half-brother common mother
Frater ex paterno latere - half-brother common father
Frater germanus - twin brother
Frater naturalis - brother
Fuit - he/she/it was
Fuerunt - they were
Gemellus/a - twin
Geminus/a - twin
Gener - son-in-law, cousin
Genitum - begotten, born
Gens - male line, clan
Genus - type, kind, birth, descent, sex, origin, class, race
Generis - of the type, sex, etc.
Germana - sister
Germanus - brother
Glos - husband's sister
Gloris - brother's wife
Gravida - pregnant
Habere - to have, to hold
Habitare - to reside
Habitans - resident (adj.)
Habitantes - residents
Hebdomada - a week
Heri - yesterday
Hic, haec, hoc - this
Hoc die/mense/anno - on this day/month/year
Huius - of this
Humatio - burial
Homo - man, human being
Humatus/a - he/she was buried
Ibidem (ibid.) - in the same place
Iidem, eadem, iden - the same
Ignotus/a - unknown
Ille, illa illud - that
Ilius - of that
Illegitimus - illegitimate
Impedimentum - impediment or hindrance (as to a marriage)
Impedimentum consanguinitas - impediment of too close a blood
relationship (2nd cousin or closer)
Imponere - to place upon, to impose
Impositus/a/um - imposed, placed upon, given
Infans - infant
Instant, inst. - of the current month
Inuptus/a - unmarried
Infra - below, later
Infrascriptus - written below
Intra - within
Ipse/a/um - himself/herself/itself
Ita - thus, so
Item - also, likewise
Ianuarius/Januarius - January
Iulius/Julius or Quinctilis - July
Iunior/Junior - younger
Iunius/Junius - June
Iure/Jure - legally
Iurare/Jurare - to swear, take an oath
Ius/Jus, Iures/Jures - law, laws
Iuvenis/Juvenis - young person
Lavare - to wash, to baptize
Lautus/a est - he/she was baptized
Levantes - godparents
Levir - husband's brother
Liber, libri - book, books
Liber baptizatorum - baptismal register
Liber defunctorum - death register
Liber matrimoniorm - marriage register
Ligatus/a est - he/she was joined or married
Locus - place
Locus sigilli - where a persons seal is placed (on a document)
Maius - May
Majorennis - of legal age
Majores - ancestors
Mane - in the morning
Manu propria - (signed) in one's own hand
Marita - wife
Maritus - husband
Martius - March
Mater - mother
Mater meretrix - mother of illegitimate child
Matertera - maternal aunt
Matrimonium - marriage
Matrimonium contraxerunt - they contracted marriage
Mensis - month
Mense - in the month (of)
Meridies - noon
Minimus/a natu - youngest
Meus/a/um - my, mine
Morbus - disease
Mors - death
Mortis - of death
Mortuus/a/um - dead, deceased
Mortuus/a est - he/she died
Mulier - woman, wife
Mutuo consensu - by mutual consent
Nascit - he/she is born
Natalis - natal
Natus/a - born (adj.), son/daughter (noun)
Natus/a est - he/she was born
Nepos - grandson, nephew
Nepos ex fil - grandson
Nepos ex fratre - brother's son
Nepos ex sorore - sister's son
Neptis - granddaughter
Nocte - at night
Nomen - name
November (IX-ber)
Noverca - stepmother
Nulloque detecto impedimento matrimonio - and no marital impediment
having been uncovered
Nullus/a/um - no, none
Nuptus/a - married
Nunc tutus exitus computarus/a - safe exit
Nurus/a - son's wife
Obit - he/she died
Obstetrix - midwife
October (VIII-ber)
Omnis - all, every
Orbus/a - orphan masc./fem
Origo - birth
Originis - of the birth
Ortus - origin, birth
Parentes - parents
Parochia - parish
Parochus - parish priest
Partus - childbirth
Pater - father
Patres - forefathers, ancestors
pPatrui relicta - paternal uncle's widow
Patrinus/a/i - godfather/godmother/godparents
Patruus - paternal uncle
Patruerlis - paternal nephew
Pie - piously
Post - after
Post longum morbum - after a long illness
Postridie - on the day after
Pridie - on the day before
Privignus/a - stepson/stepdaughter of a father
Pro - in behalf of, for
Proclamatio - bann, decree
Proles - issue, child
Proles spuria - illegitimate child
Proneptus - grand niece
Propinqui - relations, relatives
Prosocrus - wife's grandmother
Proximo, prox. - of the next month
Pudicus/a - chaste
Puella - girl
Priores - ancestors
Proavus/a - great grandfather/great grandmother
Prorare vexilla - patriotic
Provincia - province
Proximus consanguineus - nearest relation
Puer - boy
Puerperium - childbirth
Purgatus/a - cleansed, baptized
Quasi - almost, as if
Qqui, quae, quod - who, which, what
Quidam, quaedam - a certain person (masc./fem.)
Quoddam - a certain thing
Quondam - formerly, sometime
Rrelictus/a - widower/ widow
Renatus/a - reborn, baptized
Requiescat in pace - may he/she rest in peace
Ritus - rite
Sacerdos - priest
Sacer, sacra, sacrum - sacred
Sacramentis totiis munitiis - fortified by all the last rites
Sanctus/a/um - holy,sacred
Scorta - unmarried mother, whore
Scriptus/a/um - written
Semper - always, forever
Senior - older
Sepelire - to bury
September (VII-ber)
Sepultus/a/um - buried
Sequens - following
Sic - thus, so
Signum - mark
Signum fecit - he/she made a mark, signed
Sine - without
Socer - father-in-law
Socrus - mother-in-law
Socrus magna - maternal grandmother
Solemnicatio - marriage
Solutus/a/um - unmarried (also free from debt)
Soror - sister
Sororius - brother-in-law (wife's brother)
Sponsalia - marriage banns
Sponsalis - betrothed (adj.)
Sponsus/a - groom/bride. spouse, betrothed
Spurius/a - illegitimate
Stemma (gentile) - pedigree
Stuprata - pregnant out of wedlock
Stuprator - father of illegitimate child
Sub tutela - under guardianship
Subscripsit - he/she signed
Subsignavit - he/she signed with a mark
Sum - I am
Sunt - they were
Supra - above
Susceptores - godparents
Suus/a/um - his/her/its/their own
Tempus - time
Testamentum - will, testament
Testis - witness
Triduum - a period of three days
Trigemini - triplets
Tutor - guardian
Ubi - where
Ultimo, ult. - of the preceeding month
Ultimus/a/um - last
Unigena - only begotten daughter
Unigentius - only begotten son
Urbs - city
Ut - as, so that, in order that
Ut infra - as below
Ut supra - as above
Uxor - wife
Vel (vel...vel) - or (either....or)
Vespere - in the evening
Vetus, veteris - old
Victricus - stepfather
Viduus/vidua - widower/widow
Videlicet (viz.) - namely
Vir - man, male
Virgo - virgin, female, girl
Virtuosus/a/um - honorable
Vita - life
Vita cessit - he/she departed from life, died
Vulgo - commonly, generally
Numbers |
Cardinal |
Ordinal |
1 |
unus/a/um |
primus/a/um |
2 |
duo,duae,duo |
secundus/a/um |
3 |
tres, tria |
tertius/a/um |
4 |
quattuor |
quartus/a/um |
5 |
quinque |
quintus/a/um |
6 |
sex |
sextus/a/um |
7 |
septem |
septimus/a/um |
8 |
octo |
octavus/a/um |
9 |
novem |
nonus/a/um |
10 |
decem |
decimus |
11 |
undecim |
undecimus |
12 |
duodecim |
duodecimus |
13 |
tredecim |
tertius decimus |
14 |
quattordecim |
quartus decimus |
15 |
quindecim |
quintus decimus |
16 |
sedecim |
sextus decimus |
17 |
septendecim |
septimus decimus |
18 |
duodeviginti |
duodevice(n)simus |
19 |
unodeviginti |
unodevice(n)simus |
20 |
viginti |
vice(n)simus |
30 |
triginta |
trice(n)simus |
40 |
quadraginta |
quadrage(n)simus |
50 |
quinquaginta |
quinquage(n)simus |