Worshipfull Sam Hughes' Returns
hereby Certify that the following persons have taken the Oath of
Fidelity and Support to the State of Maryland agreeable to the
Act Entitled An Act for the better Security to the Government.
Given under my hand this 1st March 1778.
Walling, James, Sr.
Hicson, Joseph
Fleck, John
Gaither, Henry
Warkin, Peter
Reiley, John
Macnabb, John
Perry, Daniel
Gaither, Richard
Fallnos, William
Carpenter, John
McClellan, Robert
Duggan, Thomas
Allender, Richard
Ekell, Christian
Brown, Simon
Charlton, Thomas
Lee, William
Williams, James
Beggs, Andrew
McClosker, Stephen
Dunn, Thomas
Hoffman, George
Funk, Jacob
Collflower, George, Jr.
Harr, Adam
Funk, John
Coliflower, Nichael
Monroe, Barney
Clark, James
Sprigg, Osborn
Simkins, William
Adair, John
Brandenburgh, Christopher
Huet, Nicholas
Gillepie, James
Thompson, John
Mony, Adam, Jr.
Con, John
Adair, James
McAdele, Patrick
Norwood, Belt
Campbell, Benjamin